10 May 2012

Vintage Style Triangle Collar Tips

I usually don't follow 'trends' but seeing as I have no fashion sense of my own I have to start somewhere. There are more trends that I dislike than like so here is one I do like. Collar tips. I seen this pair on Ebay for £5.99 or €7.46. They came all the way from Hong Kong so I wasn't surprised about the 19 day delivery time.

One pair is gold and the other silver so it will be easy to theme them up with different outfits. Here is a link to the same seller who is now selling them for an even more affordable price than I paid. Double blast! 


  1. they look great on the lace blazer!!


  2. These are fab!! If only I had more items of clothing with collars!!

  3. Love them, its great to be able to transform older shirts or jackets with them!

    joanne from jimmilou.com

  4. very cute collar tips, They make simple shirts look expensive. A pair of this is about $3.


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